This page contains a collection of resources dealing with graphics and rendering which we have found useful, as well as some downloads. |
Reflectance Phenomenology and Modeling Tutorial, by Ken Ellis.
Szymon Rusinkiewicz's survey paper, published in 1997, is also an excellent starting point.
Columbia University also has an on-line data base with over 60 different samples, together with references on how the data was collected. You can find the Columbia site here.
Reflectance and Texture of Real World Surfaces, K.J. Dana, B. van Ginneken, S.K. Nayar and J. J. Koenderink, published in ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 18, No. 1, pp. 1-34, January 1999 .
For another good example of the uses and capabilities of a physically based model such as the one BRDFs provide, see Julie Dorsey and Pat Hanrahan's article on Virtual Weathering
Ray Tracing News A newsletter on Ray Tracing that goes right back to the "dark days", with archives.
An Open Source Extendible Java Ray Tracing Package
It's not as slow as you might imagine (and it will certainly get faster).
One thing for sure, combining XML and the Java reflection API, it's extendible!
XJRT is an open source Java renderer with a ray tracing backend. Objects can be fed into the renderer either through Java or an XML-based scene description language. Shaders can be written in Java and are instanced using the reflection API. The renderer currently supports a variety of polygons, polygon model formats (3ds, DXF, OBJ, and OFF), spheres and other quartics, cubic patches, heightfields, boxes, torii, algebraic surfaces, blobbies, constructive solid geometry (CSG), and a variety of light sources. Support code is provided for doing tiling, bump mapping, noise based texturing and camera based motion blur.
A copy of the current (beta 06) release can be found here in tar.gz format or here in zip format. It is distributed under this LICENSE and, is dated 28th August 2005.
The on-line documentation on the package can be found here.
This project has now been moved to sourceforge and its new homepage is
Note: the tar file was created with GNU tar, some versions of Solaris tar will have trouble with it.
Unless otherwise stated, all material on this site is Copyright (c) 2005, all rights reserved.
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